Road Traffic Analysis by The Folio3 Solution
An Intelligent Road and Safety Solution

At Folio3 They believe in innovation and as there appetite for excellence increases, so does there product catalog. Since crafting solutions through intense research is one of there forte, They took on a project for developing a proprietary product in the road traffic analysis vertical.
The Folio3 Solution

After comprehensive research and in-depth trend analysis, They built an AI powered Road & Safety solution which allowed the analysis of road and traffic situation by making use of advanced deep learning. The Folio3 team built a working prototype of the vehicle counting system based on vehicle type and classification using the Deep Learning Method; it allowed to accurately differentiate between various types of vehicles and conduct a total count. It is a must-have solution for road and safety as the traffic analysis system assisted in counting vehicles while identifying the type/category of the vehicle.

The video surveillance system offered in the solution also made it possible to remotely watch the traffic situation, specifically on motorways. The Road Traffic Analysis system developed by talented team consists of video surveillance cameras and specialized software, designed to manage the cameras and the video data it records through intellectual analysis; it also enables easy interaction with other systems within a road traffic management system ecosystem.
To understand more about traffic stuff check below video
Traffic Analysis and CVPD Help The Traffic Analysis and CVPD (Commercial Vehicles Per Day) module is a very useful tool to estimate the traffic intensity based on the actual traffic flow. For the design of pavement, or for the maintenance program of the future, or for economic evaluation, it is necessary to have a realistic estimate of the size of traffic in the design period.
The Traffic Analysis Module of ESurvey Trans Software is used in Traffic Analysis to find Commercial Vehicles as per the last count. The Commercial Vehicles Per Day (CVPD) is used for arriving at the Design Traffic and Passenger Car Unit is used for estimating the required carriageway width. From the Traffic Analysis module, a projection of traffic by the time of project completion can be estimated very easily.
Technologies Used In Road Traffic Analysis
To order to explain such big Technologies I referred some YOUTUBE videos
1)Vehicle Traffic Analysis Using Yolo
A convolutional neural networks based algorithm
known as You Only Look Once (YOLO).
This paper proposes to create an end-to-end traffic
analysis system which can take video as the input, process the video using YOLO algorithm and produce the output report using which insightful analysis can be obtained. The data is obtained from a surveillance camera to evaluate this model.

2)Real-Time Vehicle and Pedestrian Detection Through SSD
The SSD (Single Shot Multi-box Detection) has the capacity to extract meaningful features of blob of vehicles, and predicting the location and classification of vehicles. Tracking moving vehicles can be achieved by comparing the blob of vehicles and measuring the minimal distance between two temporal pictures.
3)Traffic Detection Using OpenCV
Traffic jams have become one of the biggest problems any metropolitan city faces in today’s time. This paper suggests implementing a smart traffic detector using OpenCV. Thus an idea of monitoring the traffic congestion using real-time image processing techniques and via Central Neural Networks, through this software has been proposed. After the image acquisition, the image undergoes various image pre-processing, image enhancement, and edge detection techniques. This project has been customized to be used in the future to control the traffic signals as well as monitor violators.
Key Features of The Folio3 Solution
Remote Supervision

The solution provides remote supervision of the movement of motor vehicles on streets and motorway crossings which helps in easy monitoring of on-location visits.
Real-Time Reporting

Enables fast decision making and calling up of relevant authorities such as traffic police or ambulance in the event of a road accident or any other traffic related issue.

Monitoring the traffic in real-time gives you the leverage to act proactively which helps in saving crucial time in complicated situations like road accidents and violation of traffic rules.
Centralized Management

The solution helps in centrally managing traffic and offers greater uniformity in terms of control and management operations from the central dispatching station.